Former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton shared the stage in Toronto, Canada yesterday for the first time ever and neither disagreed about anything on most subjects except for one; IRAQ. Clinton told spectators (who shelled out $200 to witness the event) that U.N. inspectors needed more time for the search performed in Afghanistan looking for weapons of mass destruction to which Bush replied disagreeably, "I don't buy the premise that our attention was diverted." Apparently, that was about as heated as it got. Later, Bush laughed about how his father (former President George H.W. Bush) and Clinton have spent a considerable amount of time together on stage according to his mother Barbara who says "President Clinton and Father share the stage together so much, he's like a son to her." Bush then said, "So brother, it's good to see you."
Despite the overall friendly tone set by the two former Presidents, protesters showed their displeasure for ex-President Bush. Oh well
dubelya, ya can't
please'em all right?
Here's my highlighted version of how the "Conversation with Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton" went down.
{click on image to enlarge}Politics are for the birds and
politicians are just Hollywood rejects. This includes ex-Presidents.